Univ. of Colorado Denver listens to KennyKenny!

September 28, 2010 in Updates

King Center EntranceRecently the University of Colorado, Denver enlisted KennyKenny Bergle to do another long-distance lecture for their “Audio Production Seminar” class (400 level) of Prof. Sam McGuire.

Here’s some excerpts from the students’ comments -

“The insight brought by Kenny’s years in the industry helps to make my personal situation seem normal for trying to get into the industry.”

“It was great to hear Kenny’s take on the industry, and how he made it work. With the current economy, it good to hear tips on how to diversify your skills.”

“Kenny was probably the BEST guess lecturer I have heard at this school!’

“His input on the future of the industry kind of made me rethink my future in the industry.”

“It was really interesting to hear how many famous people he had worked with
throughout his career ranging from BB king to Gene Simmons and Ron
Artest, mainly becuase he was so adamant to get to the bottom of the
new technology that was coming out.”

“Here’s a guy who just wanted to get his MIDI gear to work,
and he was so passionate about it that he was willing to piss off every
phone-answering service person enough that he could talk to someone who
knew what the hell they were talking about.”

“He seemed to be “up” on trends that, maybe I hadn’t heard of.”

“He has a million stories, and those little tales thrown in had me hanging on his every word.”

“It was fairly obvious that he actually meant what he said too, whereas most of the people you hear talk about it are just paying you lip service.”

“Kenny had a positive message and was inspiring without sounding preachy or conceited.”

“His realistic but eccentricly positive attitude was uplifting.”

Read what the full blog of what the students said about “Dr.”  Bergle’s talk here -


Thanks Prof. McGuire, for including TheK2BShow in your Audio Production Seminar Curriculum!

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